Tuesday, March 5, 2013

RA hits you in the darnedest areas.

I've not only had swollen and painful joints in my toes, balls of my feet, ankles, knees, hips, hands and fingers and shoulders but I've also had it in....

               My jaw, very painful and unable to chew food

               My rib cage, making it very tender to touch

               My sternum, throbbing severe pain in my sternum has actually
                      makes me feel like I was having a heart attack!  (The only
                      reasons I know I wasn't having a heart attack was that my
                      Dad used to get it all the time there, so I just knew)

               My eyes are affected, as I have not tear production at all in one
                      eye and just a tad in the other eye. Opthomologist said this
                      was from my auto immune disease RA.  Also blurry
                      vision at times she said from iritis.

               Fatigue.  My RA has caused me much fatigue before I was
                      treated with Enbrel. I felt like someone gave me a
                      sleeping pill.

I am positive for Epstein Barr though as well but the doctors aren't to worried about that.

I don't know if it has anything to do with my RA but I also have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) which puts you at a much higher risk for heart attack and diabetes.  So, this is one of the main reasons I don't want to stop running despite RA.  Got to keep exercising!

Anyway, it's beautiful day here in California, have many errands, talk to later.

Random pic of my beautiful sister-n-law and brother-n-law.


"Keep on keeping on"