Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!  :) :)

Started out with saying good bye to my son who is going back to college from spring break. My husband driving him back 8 hours drive
The boys friends on road trip


His twin brother is sick wit high fever and I took him to Urgent Care yesterday after trying everything over the counter for 1 1/2 weeks.  Antibiotics not really helping, he seems to be getting worse.  Probably viral. (hopefully not going into pneumonia.)  He goes back to college tomorrow, hope he gets better fast.  :0

Third son torpedo sneezing from allergies, gave him one Benadryl and he has been sleeping all day since Mass.  Trying to get him up now to go out to eat.

Been quite busy helping my Mom with Alzheimer's.  She keeps me on my toes, no time to rest.  Don't know what I would do without my bro Joe that helps!

So tired at Easter Mass today, tried to stay focused but could not.

Going to take the family out for an Easter Dinner (first time I haven't cooked in years!) Only half of us home at this time.

Trying to catch up in my Computer Networking class.

Got in trouble at work because I did not update one of my certifications being so busy with the family I forgot (this weekends:  between swim meets, the twins concerts, my youngest's performance at the Jazz festival, sick kids, my Mom, my class, work and cooking/cleaning for my family --- let's just say I am just hanging by a thread!)  Need to learn to say no.  :O

ONE POSITIVE: a ran a 5 K yesterday with my hubby and my dog. :)