Monday, March 11, 2013

I can be in pain and UNfit, or I can be in pain and FIT...

that is the way I see it.

Garrett and Kevin

Yesterday I managed to run 5 K, 30 minutes of strength training and started a long neglected flexibility routine ( I am so far away from touching my toes!).

When I was running, it was real difficult to keep going because of the nagging shoulder and foot I had to play games in my head like ....

"well if you can just do a mile" then you can stop".....

... I got to a mile and I thought..."well you really should have a least 20 minutes to really get a good training affect"...

so then I reached 20 minutes and thought "well you might as well go all the way to 30 minutes because you are almost there"...

then I reached 30 minutes and see that I am almost to a 5 K and think "well keep going then you can at least say you did a 5 K".

Ha ha...that is what goes on in my head almost every time I do a 5 K.

Have a fantastic day all :)  Keep on keeping on!