Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hi all.  Hope everyone is doing well today.  It is beautiful here in California dessert today, going to be in the 70's.

I am a little worried today.  I am starting to get pain again at 3 am in my joints like clock-work.  It is not as bad as it was before Enbrel but it is in my shoulders, fingers, balls of my feet and it is waking me up out of my sleep.  I HOPE Enbrel is not wearing off!!! 

BUT, I heard the stress hormone "cortisol" can bring on a rheumatoid flare. I have been a little stressed.

I have been taking care of my sweet mom for a few weeks.  She has Alzheimer's.  She is usually at my sister's house but I wanted to see  her more, so she will be at my house indefinitely. 

I don't know if anyone of you have had any family members with Alzheimer's but as much as you love them, it can be quite stressful.   I have to make sure she uses her walker because she had fallen and broken her hip before and that required surgery.  She forgets a lot.

I have to monitor her night and day.  Usually my brother is here to help me but he is at my sisters helping them paint the inside of the house and put in new carpet.

With Alzheimer's as it progresses the have almost no short term memory.  You have to remind them of things almost every 3 minutes at times. She will even forget how to sit in a chair, go to the bathroom, how to brush their teeth, what to wear for the day versus the night. 

It is very heartbreaking to see my Mom like this because she was actually a valedictorian in high school. She was very sharp.  Now I have to tell her who I am.  She thinks I am her sister most of the time. Sometimes she doesn't even know I am related. :o

Anyway, maybe the stress of this has brought on the pain?

She is worth it!

Thanks for listening all.

Random pics from San Diego

 Garrett and me
Jeff and Garrett