Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wow I need to use spell check!

Hiked up to the Aqueduct yesterday with the hubby. 

One straight climb up hill. Did about two miles.

We decided to walk this one and it was tough to slow down and smell the roses (or the flowers on the cacti in our case). We both have this belief that we are NOT doing anything for ourselves unless we RUN.

We will get over ourselves ha ha!

Wow, you wouldn't believe how green Joshua trees can get.  It was beautiful. We saw a panoramic view of the Antelope Valley.   Breathtaking!  Good for the soul. 

My dog Buttons loved it too.

Regarding ENBREL:  Hope it is not wearing off... woke up in pain last night in my hands and shoulders.  Somehow, the pain resolved by morning.

Random pic of my boys band who played in Hollywood at AMPLIFY last year.....

Revolt With Reason..