Sunday, February 3, 2013

RA RA Runners! 

Hi My name is Marie and I love running.  I am 49 and when I was 44 I was diagnosed with a condition where my own body attacks my joints and they become painful, swollen and debilitating. So, on any given day I was either fine OR I could not walk, dress myself or brush my teeth.  One of the first things the rheumatologist told me was I could keep exercising but the only thing I shouldn't do is run.  WHAT?!!

Of course being the stubborn person I have always been I have chose to keep on running. 

So this blog is there for those of you like me ,who do not want to give in and let the auto-immune disease ...Rheumatoid Arthritis (different from Osteo Arthritis) control your life.

5 years later I continue to run and these blogs are to motivate anyone out there that is going through what I went and continue to go through.

RA =rheumatoid arthritis

............. therefore I named this blog RA RA Runners!!!