Today's subject: FEET!
SHOES!: I just rec'd an e-mail from Sports Chalet on a "Free Gait Analysis". "In 15 minutes a running expert takes you through a gait analysis process to uncover your running style" that will help enable them to recommend the best shoe for your gait."
This is something I always wanted to have done! So I will be calling them today to make an appointment. I may video tape my visit if they allow me to and I will post it here so you all can see what is all about.
MY FEET HISTORY (haha) I've had FOUR surgeries on my feet. One to re-align my bones from a previous horse riding accident when I was around 12 years old (never healed correctly) also a bunion.
The second one was because I DIDN"t listen to the surgeon and wear the "ortho shoe", so I stepped on my boys' Lego and it hurt so bad that I put my weight on my post op foot and knocked the pin out of the bone. So it was back to surgery for repair.
The 3rd surgery was because I felt a marble sized growth inside my foot. Turned out to be a RHEUMATOID Nodule (Tumor).
4th surgery was another rheumatoid nodule and neuroma (where your nerves bundle up and become one painful lump) removed from my other foot.
I am left with minimal padding on my right foot which had the 3 surgeries.
I am very fortunate to have the Podiatrist that I have. :)
Random picture below...
Below my sister Theresa (She's a doctor :)) and my Mom who is 81 years old has all her teeth, no hearing aid, and no glasses!! Isn't she beautiful?! :) :)