Friday, August 30, 2013

Wow, Sacramento has bEAutiful trails!   The one my hubby and I ran today was like a mini tropical rain forest...... I was 90 degrees outside the trail but when you are in the trail itselft it was very cool, I'd say like below 70 degrees.  The tall trees were so amazing. The river was gorgeous.  We also had fun listening to the geese honk their horns, in an arrow up in the sky.  Something I NEVER see in the desert!   :)

The bump in my foot did well with my eleven days of rest.  It hurts but nothing to write home about.

I hope to take pictures of the trail tomorrow to show all of you it's beauty.  The people in Sac are also truly blessed with beautiful biking and jogging trails.

Thank you for reading.

Would love to hear some of your out there.   Visited Kyle Manard's Facebook site.  He is an amazing young man.  If you want some motivation like his FB site and keep up with his amazing life.

Thank you for reading!  :) :)