Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bad news is : Large lump on the ball of my foot :( Good news is...

Bad News is: Large lump on the ball of my right foot :(  It is painful ... I have had many surgeries in that foot and one was to remove a "rheumatoid nodule (tumor)"  Hope it is not coming back :(  If it doesn't go away ....may have to see the podiatrist again. 

We'll see.  My theory is try not to focus on what I can't do but what I can do. 

 Last night had to weight train only and stay off the foot....I did some rowing at the gym as well to get that heart rate up. 

Good news is:  all this healthier eating and weight training has helped me to lose more weight. Wahoo ! 

It really pays to change up your exercise routine.  :)

Thank you for reading... hope today finds you well.