Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Due to a RA flare-up of pain in the balls of my feet I have been cross training

Due to a RA flare-up of pain in the balls of my feet I have been cross training.   I am currently kicking up my weights on my strength training and doing shorter but higher intensity running on the treadmill until this foot flare-up is over. 

This high intensity training is helping me lose weight as well, not much but it is staying off :)

My goal of being able to do a dip on my own is getting closer, I have decreased the weight on the assisted dip/pull up machine to 90 lbs from 100 (less is more on this machine).  Yeah :)  

My leg presses I up'd from 80 lbs to 100 lbs. 

I went up on the chest press, shoulder press, lat pull and triceps pulley's as well.  Progress!

Thank you for reading. 
Random pic of RWR
Hope all of you are doing well today and are pain free :)