Saturday, June 29, 2013

Read another article Amer. College of Sports Medicine.  This one was on the new and latest running trend the "minimalist" running shoes. Shoes that mimic more of a natural, barefoot type of running.

The study measured "bone marrow edema" with the more cushioned running shoes -vs- the minimalist running shoes "Vibram".

Results:  "Postraining MRI scores showed that more subjects in the "Vibram" (minimalist shoes)  10 of 19 showed increases in bone marrow edema in at least on e bone after 10 wk of running than that in the control group."

Bone marrow edema measured at 1 is normal and stimulates bone growth and that is why weight bearing exercise is so important.... but a score of 2 shows is indicative of potentially too much stress and increased injury. A score of 3 is considered stress injury.

Of the 19 participants in the study 10 had a score of 2,3, or 4 with two of those participants experienced stress fractures.

Conclusion of this study explained that if you choose to use the minimalist running shoe, you should introduce them to your feet ever so gradually it reduce stress fractures.

I was interested in this article because I had recently purchased some Nike shoes that felt so good in the store when I tried them in because they were so "light weight".  They felt good in the store, but after running a 5 k in them, I realized that this "minimalist shoe" trend is not for me having RA. :o