Monday, June 17, 2013

Hi all!  Reached 1000 views yesterday! Thank you for reading my blog. 

Ran another 10K on the treadmill!  (pain scale 3/10 balls of my feet0

This is my first official week off Enbrel injections and I guess I have to prove to myself, that I can do even more without. 

Also, watching the extreme weight loss show, it motivated me.  If those people struggling with their obesity can just start exercising and get up to 3 hours a day, I can run a measly 10 K with rheumatoid arthritis right? 

Seems to be all about perspective.  Tricking your mind into thinking it is nothing.  I also kept my mind off of running by reading the subtitles on the TVs that had on at the gym.

Keep on, keeping on!

Random pic of Revolt With Reason