Happy Valentine's Day :) :)
Made a cake for the hubby, nothing fancy but gets the message of the day across. :)
Then spent several hours with my Mom having lunch, then ice cream.
After that, the hubby and I went for a 4 mile run by the Aqua Duct in the desert - see video below. ( I accidentally had forgot to take phone/camera out of the sports holder before starting vid. Despite my filming technique having a lot to improve upon, I hope you notice the beauty of the desert.
I tried out the NIKE Running APP it worked fantastic after I figured it out (took me a 1.4 miles to figure I had it set for indoor run :o )
I highly recommend it the Nike Running App. You can use it for inside or out. I didn't have to buy an entire sports watch GPS, just strapped the phone to my arm and it was very accurate to my hubby's expensive sports watch GPS.
Unfortunately, I have hip pain right now about 6/10 pain scale, but the run was still worth it. Other than that and eating too many sweets, I feel great.
Hope you all had fun today, thanks for reading!!